The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is a Manga and an Anime which follows the life of Haruhi a high school girl who can unconsciously change reality, and her adventures in herself proclaimed SOS Brigade, which she founded to investigate mysterious happenings. Fun then ensues as she recruits Kyon a cynical classmate, Yuki who is a bibliophile, Mikuru who is a time traveller and Itsuki the esper, but alas to Haruhi is unaware of her comrades’ true identities.
Haruhi is the heroine and is energetic and eccentric. She has a keen sense of adventure and leads the others on her crazy plans. She also gets angry and jealous around Kyon and enjoys treating him badly; she also loves to dress Mikuru up in strange costumes.
This Haruhi is a Cultural Festival special line-up, with Haruhi in her black bunny outfit!
Haruhi is very feminine, and is a good representation of her character. She is styling her bunny costume and looks great, a very cheeky sexy figure. Her bunny ears are great, and her hair and ribbons very like her anime counterpart. Her cuffs and collar are great, and what can I say about her body, it is very nice, Leotard is well designed and looks good. Her thick thighs make up for her tiny waist and give her nice womanly shape, and her high heels give her legs added length. A very good sculpt indeed
Haruhi has a fantastic paint job, like all Fraulein Revoltechs the quality and detailing in her paint work is top notch. Her leotard is a lovely shiny black and match her high heels and bunny ears, her stocking are just great and give the illusion that they are real, very good paint work. Her tail is nice and even her bow tie is shiny black. Her bright yellow ribbons also look great and her hair is very well shaded. And her faces are very well done.
Her guitar is great, the paint job on it is very nice it looks really realistic, and although her sign is plain they give it a nice touch by painting cello tape onto the back making it realistic too.
Only complaint would be the middle section of her back is ever so slightly a different shade of black than the rest of her leotard, I am not sure if that is intentional though.
Haruhi uses the E.L.F joint system, which is used by all Fraulein Revoltechs.
Her hands are on Revoltech joints, which move forwards and back and rotate, her elbow is a hinge joint, bending and straightening, a very natural movement, she has two joints at her shoulder, a swivel joint at the top of her arm allowing her arm to rotate, and at her shoulder a Revoltech joint so she can move her shoulder forwards back, up and down, and rotate.
Her neck has a Revoltech joint, so she can look up and down and side to side, looking up is somewhat limited due to her hair.
Under her chest she has a Revoltech joint, to lean forwards and back and twist, she also has a small joint at lower joint to extend her leaning back motion.
At her bottom/top of her thigh she has a Revoltech joint that moves forwards, but not backwards or side to side. Her knee is a hinge joint, giving her a natural movement of knee going backwards, also at her knee is a swivel joint allowing her leg to turn in and out. Lastly at her feet she has a Revoltech joint allowing her to point and flex, and can turn in and out.
And as Haruhi has no skirt to restrict her she can sit down very happily.
Haruhi comes with the standard Fraulein Revoltech stand, which is black and has her make (Fraulein Revoltech), her name and the series she comes from written on the base. The stand itself consists of a base a pole which pegs into it, and then a two jointed Revoltech Joint, which goes in the top of the pole and then into a U shaped holder. The thing to note about the Fraulein Revoltech stands is that they are too tall for the characters, and so when in the stand their legs dangle in the air, which is rather annoying at times.
Haruhi comes with the standard Fraulein box, with a window at the front, a picture of her posing on the side, on the other side details and pictures of the E.L.F joint system which the Fraulien Revoltechs use, and on the back pictures of her accessories and some of the poses she can do, and other info, on the bottom of the box all the authorized info, with her authorization stamp, and warning statements (all writing in Japanese)
Inside the box she is held between two moulded pieces of plastic, with a space for her hands and alternative faces, her guitar, sign, and stand were in plastic bags attached to the back of her casing. This is standard packaging for the Fraulein Revoltech line. She also came with promo poster of current and upcoming Revoltech action figures. Also take note of the authorized sticker, each figure should have one.
I will break down my review of enjoyment into two categories, accessories, and play value.
Haruhi comes with a nice array of accessories, the most prominent is her guitar, it is nicely detailed and looks awesome, but the strap is a bit on the short side, strap is soft PVC so she can sling it over her shoulder. She also comes with a sign, written in Japanese though, and two alternative faces, a super rocker face and happy face. Haruhi comes with six pairs of extra hands, which gives her a variety of poses.
So a nice amount of accessories. Only complaint is it would have been nice if her bunny ears were removable so that I could switch her with Yuki and have school uniform Haruhi, but as it is she looks a bit strange in school uniform with large bunny ears.
Play Value:
Using her accessories and her range of possibility, Haruhi is very fun and by far my favorite Fraulien girl. I have a lot of fun coming up with cheeky and provocative poses for her, and have had fun creating a comic with her and Briareos. Also due to the fact that all Fraulein Revoltech figures are interchangeable it is great fun to combine Haruhi with Yuki and Mikuru’s accessories and clothes.
Enjoyment is a 10/10