Once again I attended the Doujin Overload in Auckland. I think I might make it a regular thing I attend. Any how they had a figure display again and wow the number of figures has grown since last year, especially since there are only 3 guys who display there figures!!!
I saw some rather nice figure this time, the new Miku Hatsune figures, and some nice exclusive hard to get figures are well.
Also they had some Figma's there this time, I lol'd at the Golgo running over Len!

This year some Dollfie collectors also displayed, its good to see that the interest in these kinds of things are growing in NZ.

There was a nice selection too, some anime character Dolls and some original characters too.

My fav was Rin Tohsake, she is just so pretty.

Also there were the usual Cosplayers who came out for this event. I only took a few photo's though, not a fan of chasing down Cosplayers for photos!!
I tried to get them in groups to save time XD

Then of course the reason for the event the anime/manga Fanart and original Art, and there were a number of really good artists displaying their work. I only bought from three different artists and only took photo's of a few booths which I were very impressed by their work.

Some really great work, however I only limited myself to three posters as I don't want key chains and book marks so posters will do for me.
I also had a nice chat to one of the collectors who's figures were on display which was fun, he told me how he has a room specially for his figures to be displayed in. You can see him looking at art in the above photo, across the artist dressed as Frankenstein from Soul Eater.

I also got the chance to say hello to a fellow NZ figurine collector/blogger AstroBunny. It is actually a funny little story, but I saw Astro's blog post on Friday night saying he was heading to Auckland for Doujin Overload and I thought hmm maybe I will spot him there with his Figma's taking photo's of people. So I left a message on his post, but didn't get a reply before Saturday, and when I arrived at Doujin I thought hmm prob won't bump into him since I don't know what he looks like and there are a lot of people. But to my surprise the first booth I went to talk to someone was Astro's, I said hey do you blog about your figures and he was like yes my blog is AstroBunny and I went OMG lol I'm OptimisticPenguin!!!
Was one of those funny/strange moments which happen rarely in life. So any way now we have met, and had a good little chat about figures. Now I feel more connected with my fellow bloggers and collectors having met one in person. Very nice meeting you Astro, and omg I have already forgotten your real name I am sooo terrible with names XD
And finally my loot from it all. I got three poster, not sure where I am going to hang them up but oh well.
An awesome looking Cyborg character, a cool looking Sanada.

And this was just too cute to pass up, the K-On! girls at a playground with a bunch of Pokemon XD