Welcome to our wish list where we share with you some of the up and coming figures which capture our eye.
My first new Figma of the new year will be Metis. Metis is Aegis's friend from Persona 3 and she just looks grand. I was attracted to her because like Aegis is a android and so her character design is so interesting. She has an elegance about her with her gold helm and skirt, also she comes with a cute puppy!!! So a must get for me, ordered through amiami and should be available shortly after Christmas in Dec, tho it will prob not reach me until the new year.
Next of my pre-order list is Asuka, who shall be available in late Jan. Asuka is by far my favourite character from the Eva series, as I was not really a fan of the series as a whole, mainly because the over philosophical and anti-climax ending, however one reason I did enjoy the series was this character, and so I could not pass up the chance to get a Figma version of her spesh in her sleek new plug suit which I believe she wears in the revamped version of Eva. Also I will just say from here on out so I am not repeating myself all my orders now are through amiami.
This figure I cannot wait to get my hands on!!! Black Gold Saw, like Dead Master she appeals to me because she is a bad-ass demon, I mean just look at those claws and that huge saw. Soon it seems I will have a little army of demon figures to terrorize the rest of my figures with. Black Gold Saw should be available from Feb.
Also available in Feb is KOS-MOS, now I have not seen the anime which she comes from and its so retro I think I would find it hard to locate in NZ, however I could not pass up the figure because she looks so amazing. I love her white translucent hair and space outfit, and plus she packs some serious fire power. Many prob know by now that I am a fan of either cute, bad-ass, and accessory heavy figures and so KOS-MOS was a must get.
Now onto the wish list and up and coming figures.
Strength is yet another character from the Black Rock Shooter series who looks like she will be just as bad-ass as Black Gold Saw. I'll say one thing for the Black Rock Shooter series they certainly know how to create some awesome characters.
Next is a very cool automobile for Lupin and Jigen, it just looks fantastic, and I will definitely keep an eye out for this accessory.
This Figma Takizawa Kotono from Soukou Akki Muramasa - Kotono no Tsurugi looks very cool and interesting and its one I will also be keeping in mind for a possible future purchase.
Lastly is this Figma has sparked my interest, I really like her design, Joan Love also from Soukou Akki Muramasa - Kotono no Tsurugi. I really like her clothing and especially her rapper, I will keep an eye out for her.
Thats a lot of figmas! I am collecting the whole lot of the BRS line of nendos haha....the design is really refreshing.
Ha, I'm also going to be getting Figma BGS, as well as her Nendoroid counterpart and Nendoroid DM >:3
yes the BRS Nendos are rather cute and their facial expressions are hilarious.
I know right? X3
Can't wait to see Black Gold Saw paying a visit to Café Mode... Maybe she and DM could get over the administration!
Oh yeah, Kosmos is not from any anime, she's from the Xenosaga videogame series.
Yes gonna have a demon fight at the cafe, lol and I thought it was an anime too saw some footage on youtube O.o
Its been a while Figma Takizawa Kotono has been announced, but nothing of a hint on release date has been announced. =/
did you get the lupin's car? is it also from revoltech line ?
Uh no I never saw it up for sale anywhere online so I haven't been able to get it :/
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