Spotlight - Miniature Magic - Part 3

Welcome to spotlight miniature magic part three. Miniature magic is a series which spotlights some of the most amazing miniatures created by figure collectors as diorama's for their collections.
First up this time is Mizuna, Mizuna is a fellow blogger who I have been following for a while and I am always impressed by his work. He has created a number of scenes and sets which are just great.  

He has recreated the K-On! music room down to a t. He has also made an outdoor scene and bedroom scene. 

Not only does he create great miniatures but he uses them to make fun pictures and dioramas. 

He has even made an impressive stage for the girls to perform on. Where he stores all their sets I have no idea. 

But my favourite scene of his would have to be the recording studio, such a great idea and a unique setting for figure photos. 

As well as awesome sets Mizuna has also made a number of Figma body mods for the K-On! girls. Check out more of Mizuna's things his blog SLB In The East at 

Sewing and Ayu has created some amps for the K-On! girls which look very authentic and also he has some cool Gundam diorama's to check out. Check out more of Sewing and Ayu's things at 

Everyone seemed to catch the K-On! fever in the figure world including Spring firstborn who made a nice figure sized piano for the K-On! girls, and it looks great. I only wish I was so talented at creating miniatures. Check out more of Spring firstborn's things at 

O-Z3 has also had his hand at making K-On! items, he has recreated the bench from the music room, which looks really cool. He has also had his hand at making the fish tank where the girls keep their pet turtle.

O-Z3 also has made a number of amps for the girls instruments and various shapes and sizes, and I must say the paint and detail on them is astounding. 

I believe O-Z3 also sells templates of his K-On! items at festivals in Japan such as the WonderFest.

And finally he has recreated the table and chairs from the K-On! music room, and don't they look great. Check out more of O-Z3's things at 

Takumura has made some cool Figma umbrellas so that his figures can keep themselves dry, and they look just great, he has also made gardening tools and other various miniature accessories. Check out more of Takamura's things at his blog Unlimited Busou-Shinki Works or at 

To finish of the spotlight series of miniature magic, I thought I better include M's Factory's little penguin figurines which I would love to get my hands on, they have so much character and life and would make for some awesome figure comics. Check out more of Mizuna's things at his website M's Factory at 

And that's all for spotlight this time around, I hope you enjoyed perusing these wonderful works.
