February Wish List - Figmas Galore

Welcome to our wish list where we share with you some of the up and coming figures which capture our eye. Since I have got myself some part-time work in the interim of finding full-time employment, now that all my University studies are over I have some disposable income, and since its been ages since I bought any new figures their are some up and coming that I have my sites on.

I've pre-ordered the new Saber figure, featuring Saber in a fancy suit. I've been looking for a replacement since my original Saber broke, and this one looks like a nice replacement also I can see potential body-swapping fun with her suit. 

Also no surprise I'm pre-ordering the Mawaru Penguin Drum figma, I've been watching the series lately, can't make my mind up whether I like it or not, its a bit weird and the plot doesn't make a lot of sense as of yet, but it has penguin antics so what more could you want. And as an optimistic penguin I cannot pass up this figure, spesh since it comes with her penguin pals which are my favourite part of the show!

I also may in the next few weeks pick up the alternative BRS figma as I prefer her design much better than the original BRS and her weapons look double bad-ass in this version. 

Also in the coming months I am keeping an eye out for the above figma's as I wanted to get my hands on them last year but didn't have the cash. I love Bakemonogatari so I would love these figures. And the exclusive Queens Blade figma is adorable and I want more figma males hence the index man. 

Also figures to keep an eye out for, more Mawaru Penguin Drum, these figures are apparently a Liquid Stone snap kit build, have no idea yet where and when they will come out, but I think I will definitely purchase them, adorable articulate penguins!

Also I would like to get these Hot Toy figures of Briareos and Deunan from Appleseed. I have the smaller Wave figures, but due to moving house Deunan got broken, which sucks because they cost a lot. And these babies will cost more, but they are much bigger and amazingly detailed. I'm a huge Appleseed fan and these will be the pride and joy of my collection, when I can find a place which is still selling them that is!


Anonymous said...

What exactly hapen to your Figma Saber?

Sara Fearon said...

she was rather scratched and one of her armor plate joints broke, she was one of my first Figma's so she was well used, a lot of my old figures broke because of joints not being as strong as newer Figmas.

Anonymous said...

At least it was not that bad, it could be worse (for example a hand ball joint getting broke inside the arm), but I think that despite being one of the oldest figmas, Saber is really good and her materials are really strong, so its strange to me to hear that.
