Travel Diary - Day 2 - Having a Whale of a Time

Morning of Day 2 - lets begin with a view from my window - I spy a unicorn?

Anyway as I didn't feel like trying to fall asleep again after waking early I decided to go and explore Shinsekai as I failed to the night before.

It was nice being out before everyone else in the quiet morning air with only old men and women out walking their tiny dogs.

The buildings in this area are really cool and some are rather outlandish - I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

 I also made some friends.

And found what has to be the cutest and most adorable car park ever!

Then I decided to check out the Tennoji park. Very peaceful and pretty and old people and the homeless were out feeding the stray cats - there are heaps. Also another thing, there are crows, heaps of enormous crows and the sound of them makes you think you've stepped into an anime!

I found a nice statue - no idea what its about but I liked the curious rabbit and the bear which looks like he's done something naughty.

When 9:30am rolled round it was time to head to the Fine Arts Museum for the Art of Disney exhibit. I wasn't allowed to take pictures naturally.

I am so glad I took the time to check out some event type websites before leaving because otherwise I wouldn't have known about this and it was absolutely awesome. It stepped you through the history of Disney and its animators and all the revolutionary technologies they developed for their films. And the artwork was wonderful with some of the concept art, in my opinion, being even better than what ended up on film.

You should definetly check it out if you are heading to Osaka this year - I believe it's on till the end of the year.

Rilakkuma then hurried me on towards the Osaka Aquarium.

I love aquariums - alway have - so I was beyond excited to get inside!

For some reason there was a Capybara who did not look impressed with us all crowding around to look at him!

Moving along I found my brethren. So cute and they were coming right up to the glass to look at us. I spent a long time here.

I was really struck at how large and deep each tank went and as you follow the path you are led down so you keep encountering their tanks from different angles and levels - it is very awesome.

By the time I reached the tank with the whale sharks I was on the verge of tears I was so happy - grinning like an idiot and making ooh's and ahh's along with everyone else.

I have some video footage as well but that might have to wait as it requires me to sort out some kind of video editing software to put it altogether with.

In the meantime enjoy the photos.

I got really excited again when I saw hammer head sharks! My second favourite shark after whale sharks.

And they had a turtle and spider crabs - so cule and creepy!

And some very smug seals.

Then there were some more penguins - I love how after I snapped the first pic this one looked at me as if to say "I did not give my permission!"

I could have stayed in the aquarium the whole afternoon (I think I had already been there longer than 2hrs)

But I had a boat to catch - and as I had picked up an Amazing Osaka 1-day pass it was going to be free so I didn't want to miss it.

The ship is a faux pirate ship - moves like a regular ferry. The ride took about 45 minutes and they take you in two sections of the harbour going under different bridges - it only just fits!

This red bridge is crazy it has two motor ways on it - one on top of the other!

Osaka is very much a port city with heaps of different docks and container yards and rivers and bridges going this way and that.

I love how the city is up and down and in-between. And despite it all thankfully today I did not get lost once and did not even need to use Google Maps!

Next I went to Shinsaibashi and popped into a few shops. Was very crowded and overwhelming - I hardly knew which way to turn and what shop to venture into. It didn't help that by then as I hadn't really eaten much I had an attack of low blood sugar so felt nauseous.

Dotonbori was too busy and the lines were so long to all the good places that I ended up getting some not good Takoyaki and a coke and went and hid on the steps near the river where it was less busy.

Unfortunately I did not recover fully so Rilakkuma thought we best head back.

On the way back I had to walk through Shinsekai which was much quieter. It was nice because it meant that I got to see the buildings all lit up.

By the time I got back to the hotel it was 9:30pm and I pretty much showered and went straight to bed!

Although I didn't check off everything on my list overall I had an awesome day - and I've picked up a bunch of snacks to keep in my bag - have to take better care of myself!
